
Projects in the Field: Start to finish: a case study of eLog development in the Western Gulf of Alaska
Improving data quality from the Alaska pollock trawl fishery has been a high priority for industry, National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), and the North Pacific Fishery Management Council (NPFMC) for many years. Since 2018, there has been a massive collaborative effort between the pollock industry and NMFS agencies to test the use of EM for compliance monitoring in this fishery. Now in 2025, the pollock fleet is finally seeing the hard-won results of this nearly 7-year pilot program as the pollock Trawl EM program (TEM) begins its first year as a fully regulated program.
Upcoming events
International Fisheries Observer & Monitoring Conference, Reykyavik
May 19 @ 8:00 am - May 23 @ 5:00 pm

Projects in the Field: Going Paperless 2: NY Recreational For-Hire Fishermen Transition…
A project underway at Cornell Cooperative Extension Suffolk County will prepare hundreds…

Marking an important step and remembering the lost
Bubba Cook, longtime Western & Central Pacific Tuna Program Manager for World…

Scaling Technology Solutions to Tackle Fisheries Challenges
For decades, headlines about illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing, overfishing, and…

Industry Focus: OnDeck Fisheries AI
OnDeck is bringing a new age of artificial intelligence (AI) to fisheries…

Optimising the review of electronic monitoring information for management of commercial fisheries
Johanna P. Pierre · Alistair Dunn · Abby Snedeker · Morgan Wealti…
Chelsae Radell
Capt. Abby Webster
Ocean Outcomes
Rebecca Darcy
Ho-Tu Chiang
Jillian Di Maio
Huff McGonigal
Michael Stanley
Craig S. Rose
Katie Harrington
Center for Fisheries Electronic Monitoring at Mote Marine Laboratory
Kelly Harrell
Stuart Fulton
Center for Fisheries Electronic Monitoring at MOTE
Ricardo Lemos
Megan Johnston
Benjamin Woodward
Dr. Hilario Mumua
Errhalt Consulting
Cate O’Keefe
Seadog Fishing Solutions, Inc.
Willy Goldsmith
Eric Torgerson
Abigail Turner-Franke
Raiana McKinney
Ali Kennard
Jessica Hoey
Melissa Sanderson
Christi Smith
Cornell Cooperative Extension – Fisheries
Max Vanry
Claire van der Geest
Oyster Recovery Partnership
Kaycee Coleman
Pfleger Institute for Environmental Research
Andrew Chin
Chugey Sepulveda
Michael Wang
Mike Orcutt
Gord Snell
Stefanie Dukes
Pablo Torralbo
Andrew Petersen
Bluefin Data
Scott Coughlin
Erik Young
Kara Brydson
Marcelo Hidalgo
Lachlan Fetterplace
Chuck Anderson
Cooper Van Vranken
JT Mudge
Alex Tilley
Abel Butler
Marlon H. Roman
Chris Passier
Melissa Garren
Justin Kay
Jimmy Freese
Intertidal Agency
George Lapointe
Mark Michelin
Kate Haapala
Net Gains Alliance
Deckhand Electronic Logbook (Real Time Data North America, LLC)
Deckhand Electronic Logbook (Real Time Data North America, LLC)
Andrew Fedoruk
Harbor Light Software
Teem Fish Monitoring Inc.
Amanda Barney
Fran Karp
Joshua Wiersma
Chris Cusack
Francisco Blaha
Estibaliz Martinez
Gulf of Maine Research Institute
Fish Trax
Saltwater Inc
Ecotrust Canada
Trace Register
Integrated Monitoring
FlyWire Cameras
Digital Observer Services
CVision AI
Anchor Lab
AST Marine Sciences Limited
Woods Hole Group
Melissa Mahoney
Dadong Wang
Geoff Tuck
Chris Rodley
Johanna Pierre
Dan Martin
Mark Jones
Malo Hosken
Mike Gerner
Alfred “Bubba” Cook
Melanie Brown
NOAA Office of Sustainable Fisheries, Pacific Islands Region
Courtney Paiva
Bruce Turris
Gil Sylvia
Joe Sullivan
Kate Kauer
Dave Colpo
Nancy Munro
Bill Tweit
Rick Stanley
Jesse Latham
John Gauvin
Elizabeth Figus
Dan Falvey
Ruth Christiansen
Julie Bonney
Sally Bibb
Mary Beth Tooley
Geoffrey Smith
Brad McHale
Christopher McGuire
Amy Martins
John Hoey
Erika Feller
Jane DiCosimo
Brett Alger
Greg Stunz
Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies Texas A&M
Jessica Stephen
Daniel E. Roberts, Jr.
Scott Hickman
David Gloeckner
Ken Brennan
Eric Brazer
Faustino Velasco
Mogens Schou
Kristian Plet-Hansen
Gonzalo Legorburu Marcos
Greg Hammann
Oscar Gonzalez
Gabriel Gómez
Tomás Galán
Jørgen Dalskov
Grant Course
Jason Bryan
Amos Barkai
Raimundo Espinoza
Eparama Loganimoce
Optimising the review of electronic monitoring information for management of commercial fisheries
Pew Trusts Report: Second Global Artificial Intelligence in Fisheries Monitoring Summit
EM4Minutes with Chelsae Radell: EM in the CGOA Rockfish Program
Glossary: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Electronic Monitoring of Fisheries
Electronic Monitoring: Best Practices for Automation, Volume II, 2024
Increasing the functionalities and accuracy of fisheries electronic monitoring systems
Report from Pew Charitable Trust’s Global Artificial Intelligence in Fisheries Monitoring Summit
Joel Kraski: Implementing EM Alongside an At-Sea Observer Program
Hey, EM peeps, just wanted you to know about this @SustainableFish webinar this week. @JPEC_Ltd ...@integratedmntr @WoodsHoleGroup @FlyWireCameras @abalobi_app @OnDeckAI @aifish_tweets @MobulaRae @JCGibbon @fish_teem
Register: https://tinyurl.com/bdfm6etu
Webinar: Moving Electronic Monitoring Forward. @SustainableFish is pushing for wider adoption of ...EM. A webinar on 12/19 will share findings and recommendations from recently published EM program design docs and opportunities going forward. Register: https://tinyurl.com/bdfm6etu
Canada invests CAD 38 million in New Brunswick's seafood sector | SeafoodSource - ...https://goo.gl/alerts/cTVqao #GoogleAlerts