The field of fisheries management is undergoing fundamental change as emerging technologies enable new methods for acquiring, sharing, analyzing, and utilizing data. EM4Fish is a knowledge base and community of practice for the people driving this evolution.
EM4Fish is published by Scott Coughlin of Fieldwork Communications. Initially made possible through funding from Environmental Defense Fund, it is currently sustained by the Kingfisher Foundation and National Fish & Wildlife Foundation’s Electronic Monitoring and Reporting Grant Program. We are organizationally and technologically neutral, aiming to advance any and all innovations that improve fisheries management.
We invite you to:
- Contribute a blog post, paper, news release or event announcement
- Include yourself in our Community directory
- Receive our monthly newsletter
- Follow us on Twitter
- ...and be in touch!
To support a community of practice within the field of electronic monitoring for fisheries management, our volunteer advisors provide expert perspectives and updates on EM programs, technologies and events of interest to the EM4Fish stakeholder community.
Advisors include: Bubba Cook, Policy Director at Sharks Pacific; Huff McGonigal of Fathom Consulting; and Christopher McGuire, Marine Program Director at The Nature Conservancy.
We welcome your input!