E. Pacific / U.S. West Coast
As of 2019, camera-based EM systems continue to be deployed on whiting, fixed gear, and trawl vessels operating in the Pacific IFQ trawl sector under an extended EFP program. Council activities during 2019 and 2020 will include NMFS and the Council’s Groundfish Electronic Monitoring Policy and Technical Advisory Committees discussions and development of program guidelines and business rules to implement third-party video review. There may also be an amendment to the recently published final rule due to inconsistencies with language coming out of recent NOAA National EM Policy Directives.
Have updated information about this region? Please let us know.
E. Pacific / U.S. West Coast POSTS
The US Shore-based Whiting EM program 2004 to 2010: What did we learn?
Mobile App for Recreational Angler Intercept Survey
Testing Electronic Monitoring as a Compliance Tool in the U.S. West Coast Groundfish Catch Share Fishery
Pacific Coast Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ) Computational Vision-Based Monitoring (CVM)
Projects in the Field: Washington State Coastal Dungeness Crab EM Proof-of-Concept Project Phase 2
Projects in the Field: Washington Coastal Commercial Dungeness Crab EM Proof-of-Concept
Projects in the Field: Testing electronic monitoring and addressing observation constraints in a developing deep-set fishery for swordfish in California
Industry Focus: Archipelago Marine Research
Industry Focus: Teem Fish Monitoring
EDF’s Smart Boat Initiative Releases Requests for Proposals to Engage in Technology Pilots
RFP: Machine Vision for Speciation and Enumeration of Discarded Catch in the West Coast Groundfish Trawl Fishery
RFP: Underwater Smart Cameras to Enable Real Time Bycatch Avoidance
RFP: Wireless Activity Recognition
RFP: Rockfish Hook & Line EM Pilot
Electronic Monitoring in the U.S. West Coast and Alaska Groundfish Fishery
Marine Instruments and Archipelago Marine Research Form a Strategic Partnership
Pacific Council Approves Electronic Monitoring for West Coast Trawlers
EM in the U.S. West Coast Groundfish Fishery
Pacific Council Green Lights Electronic Monitoring Aboard West Coast Trawl Fleets Starting in 2017 (Seafood News)
E. Pacific / U.S. West Coast
eCatch: An electronic logbook and reporting system used by the California Risk Pool
The US Shore-based Whiting EM program 2004 to 2010: What did we learn?
Mobile App for Recreational Angler Intercept Survey
Testing Electronic Monitoring as a Compliance Tool in the U.S. West Coast Groundfish Catch Share Fishery
Pacific Coast Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ) Computational Vision-Based Monitoring (CVM)
Projects in the Field: Washington State Coastal Dungeness Crab EM Proof-of-Concept Project Phase 2
Projects in the Field: Washington Coastal Commercial Dungeness Crab EM Proof-of-Concept
Projects in the Field: Testing electronic monitoring and addressing observation constraints in a developing deep-set fishery for swordfish in California
Industry Focus: Archipelago Marine Research
E. Pacific / U.S. West Coast COMMUNITY
Huff McGonigal
Stuart Fulton
Ricardo Lemos
Seadog Fishing Solutions, Inc.
Christi Smith
Max Vanry
Pfleger Institute for Environmental Research
Chugey Sepulveda
Michael Wang
Mike Orcutt
Gord Snell
Stefanie Dukes
Scott Coughlin
Erik Young
JT Mudge
Marlon H. Roman
Chris Passier
Melissa Garren
Intertidal Agency
Mark Michelin
Teem Fish Monitoring Inc.
Amanda Barney
Chris Cusack
Fish Trax
Ecotrust Canada
Trace Register
Melissa Mahoney
Courtney Paiva
Bruce Turris
Gil Sylvia
Joe Sullivan
Kate Kauer
Dave Colpo
Bill Tweit