Thank you to the organizers and everyone who participated in the 3rd National EM Workshop (West), February 12-13 in Renton, WA. We’ve posted a total of eleven presentations below and in our Library. In weeks to come we hope to provide videos of these sessions as well. Please click through on header links to the underlying presentation(s) for each session.
Introduction: National EM Overview: Where have we been and where are we now?
Brett Alger surveys recent history and overviews the state of play in electronic monitoring today.
Part 1: Regional EM Experiences
In presentations from the Pacific Islands, Alaska, the West Coast and the Northeast, a host of experts share their experiences in EM program development, implementation and costs; reflect on the role of national EM policy; and identify successes, challenges and lessons learned.
Part 2: Integrating New Technology and AI Applications
Jordan Watson of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center, Farron Wallace of NOAA Fisheries, Eric Pennaz of Google and Mark Hager of New England Marine Monitoring explore how AI applications can support EM and fisheries data systems.
Part 3: EM Data Considerations
Kate Wing of Net Gains Alliance reviews the flow of EM data from collection to storage and considers how data flow intersects with questions about data-sharing, access, security and privacy.