This symposium took place August 20, 2015 at the annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, in Portland, Oregon. We’d like to acknowledge and thank the members of the Steering Committee that made this symposium a success. They are: Eric Brazer (Gulf Reef Fish Shareholders Alliance); Kelly Denit (NMFS); Erika Feller (The Nature Conservancy); Melissa Hooper (NMFS); George LaPointe (Consultant); Dorothy Lowman (Consultant).
Please review this EM Symposium Handout, which provides an overview of the event, a list of presentations, panel discussions and speakers, and abstracts of the presentations below.
This symposium was organized into three primary subject areas and the presentations below are organized accordingly. They are Data Management & Integration; Standards; and Process for Implementation.
For information regarding this symposium, please contact Erika Feller.
Data Management & Integration
Principles of Fishery Reporting System Design-M. Brady
Red Herrings- Looking Outside Fisheries For Insights On Data Management-K. Wing
Integrating EM and Other Data into a Modernized Fishery Dependent Data System-D. Christel
Process for Implementation
Developing a Successful Operational EM Program_H McElderry
Large-Scale EM Implementation – A View from the Front Lines_N Munro
EM in Pacific Groundfish Fisheries- Moving Forward _S Freese_Powerpoint
Implementing EM in the New England Groundfish Fishery_B Alger