Please download the strategic plan here (PDF)
This 59-page report was published in April, 2014.
A brief excerpt from the introduction:
We live in a world of great technological advances, many of which are applicable to fisheries monitoring issues, and some that are already in use to support fisheries management in the North Pacific. The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and the North Pacific Fishery Management Council (Council) have been on a path of integrating technology into our fisheries monitoring program for many years: we have advanced Electronic Reporting (ER) systems in place for logbook and observer information; we have implemented a variety of monitoring tools like motion-compensated flow scales and Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS); and have integrated video monitoring into several fisheries in a compliance capacity. We have conducted and continue to conduct experimental projects with Electronic Monitoring (EM) to configure and advance the technology appropriate for fisheries in the North Pacific. Further, application development, database and web technologies are continuing to revolutionize how we manage and report information to both internal and external constituents and improve cost efficiencies….