Cost Recovery Guidelines for Monitoring Services
This report, prepared by MRAG for the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) and the Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA), examines options, and proposes guidelines, for the recovery of costs for electronic monitoring (EM) services in FFA island member country tuna longline fisheries. It has been prepared as a result of increasing interest in how EM, which has largely been financially supported by non-government organizations or development assistance partners to date, may be sustained in the long term.
The extent to which costs may be recovered for any Government service is dependent on policy decisions of the Government or responsible agency. Relevant considerations may include:
- the extent to which costs are attributable to the user of the service;
- the extent to which Governments or agencies are willing to provide support to stimulate economic activity in the sector concerned; or
- the extent to which support is required to facilitate transition to a new administrative process.
The associated spreadsheets provide basic models for structuring a cost recovery programme, including both an integrated approach to cost recovery for an overall MCS approach or EM implementation in isolation.
Download EM CR Model Spreadsheet
Download Integrated MCS CR Model Spreadsheet