The California Groundfish Collective, The Nature Conservancy and the Environmental Defense Fund recently released a report on our two year project to implement electronic monitoring in the West Coast groundfish fishery. The report, “Electronic Monitoring in the West Coast Groundfish Fishery: Summary results from the California Groundfish Collective Exempted Fishing Permit Project 2015-16”, is available here.
This initial report, authored by project manager Lisa Damrosch, summarizes high-level findings and lessons learned from our on-going Exempted Fishing Permit project implementing electronic monitoring in lieu of human observers. The findings detailed in the report may be useful to audiences, and the structure somewhat mirrors the report recently released by our New England colleagues. We continue to work with the Pacific Fishery Management Council, Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission, NMFS, and others to resolve outstanding questions and concerns in our region in order to successfully implement electronic monitoring as a cost-effective alternative. We expect to update this report at the close of our Exempted Fishing Permit project, which is continuing through 2017.
Please let us know if you have any questions.