Preliminary Study About the Suitability of an Electronic Monitoring System to Record Scientific and Other Information from the Tropical Tuna Purse Seine Fishery This paper was published in 2015, authored by J.P. Monteagudo. Summary Electronic monitoring systems (EMS) are used in some fisheries to collect the same types of scientific information that human observers can collect, and in some …
Standards for the Effective Management of Fisheries Bycatch (Published February 2014)
This paper is available from ScienceDirect here. It was published in February, 2014. Abstract Mitigating the environmental impact of commercial fishing, by avoiding, minimizing and compensating for adverse effects, is core business for fisheries management authorities globally. The complex interplay of ecological, economic, and social considerations has often resulted in bycatch management being …
The Use of Electronic Reporting for Regional Purse Seine Log Book and Regional Observer Work Book Data
Following on the success of the electronic forms (eForms) for Port Sampling which use an Android tablet application (App) for improved quality and timeliness of data collection, the Papua New Guinea National Fisheries Authority has developed eForms for purse seine vessels e-reporting of Regional Purse Seine Logbook and Observer Work Book data. Electronic Reporting for Regional Purse Seine Log …
2015 AFS Symposium on Implementing Electronic Monitoring and Reporting in U.S. Fisheries (Papers & Presentations)
This symposium took place August 20, 2015 at the annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, in Portland, Oregon. We'd like to acknowledge and thank the members of the Steering Committee that made this symposium a success. They are: Eric Brazer (Gulf Reef Fish Shareholders Alliance); Kelly Denit (NMFS); Erika Feller (The Nature Conservancy); Melissa Hooper (NMFS); George LaPointe …