Dear Colleagues,
I am co-convening a theme session at the 2018 ICES Annual Science Conference entitled “Electronic monitoring and movement analysis in fisheries: applications of emerging science”. Theme session P abstract is here. The meeting will be held from 24-27 September 2018 in Hamburg, Germany.
We welcome abstract submissions from you or your collaborators on relevant projects. Also, please feel free to forward this announcement on to any colleagues who would be interested in contributing.
The ICES ASC 2018 Call for Papers is currently only open until Monday 19 March.
ICES is keen to encourage submissions from Early Career Scientists, and they will be offering travel funds for Early Career Scientists with successful submissions. The criteria and instructions are available here.
Please feel free to contact me (at or any other conveners with questions about the session. We look forward to seeing many of you #ICESASC18 in Hamburg in September!