9th World Fisheries Congress – Call for Sessions

Session types include symposia, workshops, and other non-traditional formats intended to exchange information related to the meeting themes. Deadline: Friday, December 2, 2022 More details here

Symposium on Catch Identification Technologies (Save the Date and Call for Abstracts)

The ocean and its fishery resources are vital to the wellbeing and prosperity of humankind. Fish provide 3.2 billion people with almost 20 % of their animal protein, proving the importance of fisheries in a global context. The wild-living marine resources are renewable but not inexhaustible, and sustainable fishing is an important part of UN’s […]

10th International Fisheries Observer and Monitoring Conference

Hobart, Tasmania Tasmania, Australia

Early bird registration now open Full Registration includes attendance to all sessions from 6 – 10 March 2023 . Full registration includes a name badge, morning and afternoon refreshments and lunch, Welcome Reception, Gala Dinner and all social functions. Registration details Full registration (until December 2022) Standard (from 6 December 2022) Cost $925.00 AUD $1250.00 […]

PEW EM Service Provider Workshop

The Pew Charitable Trusts is hosting a workshop on May 22, 2023 in Aberdeen, UK on RFMO Engagement for Electronic Monitoring (EM) Service Providers. The workshop aims to convene EM service providers and experts from around the world to discuss options to increase engagement with regional governing bodies, including Regional Fishery Management Organizations, as they […]

Seafood and Fisheries Emerging Technologies Conference 2023, Bali, Indonesia

Since 2014, biennial SAFET conferences have brought together technology implementers with technology providers to focus on ways to leverage new and emerging technologies to address the biggest challenges facing the sustainability of our global fisheries and seafood sectors.  SAFET conferences provide a forum for fishers, industry representatives, fishery managers, scientists, policy-makers and other fishery stakeholders […]

NFWF Electronic Monitoring & Reporting Grantee Webinar

This National Fish & Wildlife Electronic Monitoring and Reporting Grant Program will feature presentations from two recent groups of program grantees: Julie Bonney et al., Alaska Groundfish Data Bank: Testing Electronic Monitoring on Rockfish Trawl Catcher Vessels in the Central Gulf of Alaska Raimundo Espinosa et al., Conservacion ConCiencia: Electronic Monitoring for the Caribbean Small […]

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