National Electronic Monitoring Workshop (East)

Wentworth by the Sea New Castle, NH, United States

The 3rd National Electronic Monitoring Workshop Series will engage and educate new participants and foster an environment for collaboration across different fisheries, fishermen and other stakeholders regarding the opportunities and challenges associated with electronic monitoring. The first workshop will be held on the East Coast with the support of the New England Fishery Management Council […]

Webinar on Options for Electronic Reporting of Commercial Fishing Vessel Trip Reports (VTRs) in the Greater Atlantic

Webinar info in event

The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC) and New England Fishery Management Council (NEFMC) are considering an action that will require commercial fishing operators holding federal permits for species managed by either Council to report their Vessel Trip Reports (VTRs) electronically rather than on paper. Fisheries covered include: Atlantic Bluefish, Black Sea Bass, Scup, Summer Flounder, Spiny Dogfish, Tilefish, Squid, Atlantic Mackerel, Butterfish, Surfclam, Ocean Quahog, Northeast Multispecies […]

National Electronic Monitoring Workshop (West)

Hyatt Regency Lake Washington WA, United States

The 3rd National Electronic Monitoring Workshop Series will engage and educate new participants and foster an environment for collaboration across different fisheries, fishermen and other stakeholders regarding the opportunities and challenges associated with electronic monitoring. The first workshop will be held on the East Coast with the support of the New England Fishery Management Council […]

Data Coalition: Innovating with Open Government Data

The U.S. government is a steward of one of the fastest-growing and most diverse assets in America today: open-source data. In this webinar, leading public data innovators will explain how they are using open data to promote government transparency and accountability and solve important issues facing the public. Whether predicting storms, tracking federal spending, or […]

Global #Fishtech Zoom Meetup

An hour of virtual fishtech camaraderie open to anyone, anywhere. No agenda, just a way for people to engage during this trying time. Register here.

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