Target species: Cod
Program period: Started in 2010 and is ongoing
Number of vessels in the program: 6-27
Geographic scope of the program: North Sea
Equipment employed in the EM / ER:
The EM system consisted of a GPS unit, up to eight closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras, and sensors for measuring force on the tow cables and net drum rotation. All sensors and cameras were connected to a control box with exchangeable hard drives for data storage. The sensors were used to trigger the control box to start video recording during fishing operations. The cameras re- corded overhead views of the working deck and catch-handling areas, while fishing, hauling, and processing the catches. Sensor and GPS data were recorded continuously whilst at sea.
Goals of the program:
- Determine the efficacy of a land-all policy.
- Evaluation of installation and operation of REM for scientific purposes.
- Analyse training programs for REM analysts.
- Develop systems for combining length measurments and fish counts.
- Use of REM in management advice
Reporting agency or agencies involved in collecting, analyzing, storing the data:
Marine Laboratory, Marine Scotland.
Points of contact for learning more about the program:
Coby L. Needle, C.Needle@MARLAB.AC.UK