Scott Nuzum is a strategy consultant, futurist, and attorney who helps organizations assess and understand the implications of technological, environmental, and geopolitical change and works with clients to craft strategies to mitigate the impacts of this disruption. He believes that the fisheries space represents one of the most important examples of the impacts of overlapping disruption and has written articles exploring a range of fisheries innovation topics, including how to design less invasive, more respectful electronic monitoring systems that enable more effective resources management. In connection with this work, Scott has engaged with a range of stakeholders, including federal agencies, the commercial fishing industry, environmental NGOs, and technology companies. Scott also leads project design and implementation processes, managing small teams in the development of a range of outputs, including white papers and presentations. In addition, he advises innovative start-ups operating in the environmental and social impact space on a range of issues, including providing input and feedback on pitch decks and engagement strategies for meetings with potential investors and regulators.